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Heat sink manufacturing supplier
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Aluminum Heat Sink & Profile Manufacturing

address:No. 51 Luming Road Heavy River Management District - Qing Town Dongguan City

Q Q:2131405854

Telephone:+86 13827205356


Heat sink for laser projector equipment

time:2021-05-10 16:04 author:Heat sink design click:

Customize the heat sink module of the projector
Heat pipe heat sink of projector
In the evaporation section of the heating heat pipe, the working liquid in the tube core is heated to evaporate and take away heat, which is the latent heat of evaporation of the working liquid. The steam flows from the central channel to the condensation section of the heat pipe, condenses into a liquid, and releases latent heat at the same time. Under the action of capillary force, the liquid flows back to the evaporation section. In this way, a closed cycle is completed, thereby transferring a large amount of heat from the heating section to the radiating section. When the heating section is at the bottom, the cooling section is at the top, and the heat pipe is placed vertically, the backflow of the working liquid can be satisfied by gravity, without the need for a capillary structure tube core. This kind of heat pipe without a porous core is called a thermosyphon. The thermosyphon has a simple structure and is widely used in engineering.

Custom processing the heat sink of the projector